Download our Special Report on Strategies and Challenges of Managing the Opioid Crisis

Opiod_Special_Report_thumbnail.pngOur nation’s unprecedented opioid epidemic continues to strain healthcare organizations across the care continuum. In response, MEDITECH’s Nurse Advisory Committee (NAC) published a special report, Strategies and Challenges: Managing the Opioid Crisis.

Nurse leaders from our customer base provide a first hand account of the opioid epidemic’s impact on their organizations, initiatives they use to manage the crisis, and the challenges that persist. Key topics include:

  • Identifying drug-seeking behavior in the ED
  • Preventing fraud and abuse
  • Monitoring narcotic ordering patterns
  • Managing inpatient pain
  • Examining the role patient satisfaction scores play in incentivizing providers to order narcotics.

This special report from MEDITECH’s impressive nursing community provides strategies and initiatives that can be deployed to fight the epidemic, and includes a feedback form for readers to share how they are managing the crisis.